Neuro linguistic Programming Free Workshop - Delhi

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Item details

City: Delhi
Offer type: Demand


Contact name 9313309673
Phone 9289271452

Item description

NLP is the most widely discussed subject in the world and least understood by the people. NLP is all about Human excellence (personal excellence). So do we require to change our identity and behaviors completely? One can achieve personal excellence through rewiring one’s neurons with wanted and correct ideas and thoughts. Think and Get is so simple formula of success. Master the way of thinking consciously and change the rewiring of the subconscious is the secret of success. Master the conscious mind through changing patterns of thinking. So rewire that you want and get. Sometimes it may take 21 days, 66 days, 100 days or 200 days to overwrite the old thoughts to create new behaviors.

I am doing two major things with Neuro Sciences, modern name Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP Subconscious Rewiring/ Reimprinting/Neuroplasticity, 1. Helping the Adults to forget the past pain issues and 2. Kids to Memorize 10 times faster to recall with confidence in exam (achieve more marks). These two are the modern challenges of growing society.

NLP is a science of sensory languages, what one sees, visualize, feel, taste and smell. These are only lying in memory. These experiences can be changed with new happy and desired images, visuals, sounds, and feelings. Consciously thoughts become a memory of Subconscious, which drives the person like an autopilot of an aircraft. In absence of absolute clarity of goals, the subconscious has nothing to drive then confusion. Today’s results of life are the reflection of yesterdays thoughts and so as tomorrow will be the reflection of today’s thought process and actions. Whatever one think each moment is fed to the subconscious mind and that only happens in life. NLP help to control thought process and change way of perceiving things to internal map (Interpretation of outer world to inside world). Successful people are master of controlling situations and taking action through gaining a resourceful state of mind.

I invite you to join my NLP Subconscious Rewiring Workshop for becoming NLP Trainer / Coach/ Practitioner. “Life Will Never Be Same Again”