Anti-counterfeiting Solution | Jetsci - Delhi

Thursday, 5 August, 2021

Item details

City: Delhi
Offer type: Offer


Contact name jetsci

Item description

Anti- counterfeiting solution provides a tool that can be used to determine whether a product is genuine, counterfeit, or counterfeit. Various methods are available to them to do this - from connecting a remote sensor to the product to embedding a hidden identifier - but they basically do this by performing one or more of the following functions: authentication, tracking/tracking, Counterfeiting protection/Protection - Alteration. Definitions of these basic functions can be found in the glossary. However, all anti-counterfeiting methods are characterized by the use of special marking devices, called markers. They are closely related to the product through various techniques and contain specific information that enables the technology to fulfill its primary function.

Address: B-15, InfoCity Phase 1, Sector 34, Gurugram-122001, Haryana, India
Phone: +91-999 958 5324