The best personal care products wholesale suppliers are here! - Delhi

Wednesday, 23 June, 2021
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City: Delhi
Offer type: Offer


Contact name umendraexports
Phone 9310034512

Item description

Umendra Exports is trusted in name in the list of personal care products wholesale suppliers in India. They have the latest machinery with sound technical expertise and a strong manufacturing base. Since the company has to manufacture in container load quantity, they are easily able to maintain the lowest cost of the products without hampering the quality of the cosmetic product. These products are marketed under their name or they also offer private label manufacturing. All products especially those designed for babies are sold only after passing strict quality parameters.Address: 1102 Devika Tower, 6 Nehru Place, New Delhi- 110019, INDIA
Phone: +91 9310034512 / 7042538811
Fax : +91 (11) 41606263