Black spider knob - Delhi

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Item details

City: Delhi
Offer type: Sell
Price: Rs 1


Contact name priyanka123

Item description

The spider is a part of the popular arthropods species of insects similar to the insects of its similar characteristics .It has a segmented body with four pair of legs one at the front and two at the back. Generally the spiders are non venom insects but there are a few venom secreting insects who claim to taken lives of human but that is remotely possible as they attack only on self defence. They inject venom with the help of fangs .The spider are insects who are identified by the web weaving process. The spider very patiently weaves its web to catch its prey and also for its own reasons which could be the laying of the eggs and for safety from the predators. The spider web produces silk of extremely good quality which is light, strength and elasticity better than other than the other synthetic silk.There are few spiders which are dangerous while the other are harmless . A research made in the discovery of medicine has concluded that the venom of the spider is known to cure cardiac Arithythamia, Alzheimer’s disease, Stroke or erectile dysfunction. Spider is a symbol of patience executed by them in catching a single prey that may take hours .There are many mythological stories that are associated with the spider. The female gives birth to the younger ones in the form of eggs the male in comparison to their female counterpart have a shorter life span than the female spider which could be 2 years. Apart from the other uses of spider it also consumed by some people. It is also used for entertainment character in the form of the red coloured suit with blue coloured shoes and a web like feature with the help of which it slides on the tall multi storied buildings and protects the commoners from destruction, robbery and threat to life. The ceramic knob is white in colour handmade to perfection by expert artisans and skilled craftsmen with a simple sketch of a spider in black colour which is basically the outline of the spider to make it look elegant and classy to adorn the drawers and cabinets.
33 – Sundar Nagar, New Delhi
Pincode :- 110003
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