38% Guaranteed Rentals. Investment Property - Delhi

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Item details

City: Delhi
Offer type: Sell
Price: Rs 1,000,000
Full Square, m²:100


Contact name Kuldip Goyle
Phone 9164199591

Item description

38% Guaranteed Rentals. 300 Rooms 5 star Hotel. Investment Propery. Private Rooms, Parking Slots and Fractional unit ownership in the 5 star Hotel Resort Complex in Delhi, India gives an excellent Investment opportunity, to the Investor seeking high rental returns of 38%. Price from $15,000. Reserve your unit for $10 only. This is a pre-construction Opportunity`

Two things we know that are important in any real estate purchase is LOCATION and LEVERAGE and this project has the best of both. The best part is you can Purchase with only 20% down, and nothing more to pay for ever. You can even start the reservation with 2% down only, in a market which has the potential to appreciate 30 percent every year for the next 5 years. This is a very attractive purchase.

The developer Prices increases regularly