How green tea helps to burn fat - Delhi

Saturday, 29 June, 2024

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City: Delhi
Offer type: For Free


Contact name KAPIL DUA
Phone 09810535073

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•1. How Green Tea helps to burn fat Green tea is often touted as a miracle drink. Some of the health benefits for which Green Tea is promoted are its cancer fighting properties, prevention of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, immune booster etc. But Green Tea is famous in health and fitness world for its fat loss benefits. With so my hype over the benefits of green tea, I wanted to include that in my regimen to aid in my fat loss. There are plenty of studies that are based on observational research pointing toward the relationship between green tea consumption and fat loss. Read on how Green Tea helps to burn fat. Photo credit pixelspace What about Caffeine in green Tea? Research shows that caffeine in small amounts is actually good for you. Green tea has small amounts of caffeine compared to black tea and coffee Average amount of caffeine per cup Coffee - ~ 135 mg per cup. Black tea - ~ 50 mg per cup Green tea - ~ 30 mg per cup
•2. Green tea contains less caffeine than black tea and coffee. Keep in mind, caffeine isn’t bad for you in moderate amounts. It’s a mild stimulant that naturally occurs in a variety of plants, beans, fruits and nuts. It's generally agreed that consuming up to 300 mg of caffeine per day is safe. So drinking 3-4 cups of Green Tea per day is will not introduce too much caffeine in your system, unless you are drinking other caffeinated beverages too. Green Tea vs. Black tea? Photo credit toughkidcst Both green tea and black tea come from the same tea plant, Camellia sinensis. The leaves are simply processed differently. Green tea leaves are not fermented; they are withered and steamed. Black tea undergoes a crushing and fermenting process. Both black and green tea not only has their own distinctive colors, flavors and aromas but also their own specific benefits Some terms explained - Polyphenols Polyphenols are antioxidants in plants that may have health benefits for .The two classes of polyphenols are non-flavonoids and flavonoids.
•3. Flavonoids Flavonoids are a most powerful group of antioxidants found naturally in plants. Flavonoids are one of the reasons fruits and vegetables are so good for you Catechin • Catechins are flavonoids found primarily in green tea. • Catechin is a powerful, water soluble antioxidant that is easily oxidized. • Catechins are not stable. They deteriorate when come in extended contact with oxygen, light, moisture and other reactive substances in the environment. How Green Tea helps to burn fat The answer is “Catechins!” . Green Tea contains a powerful antioxidant called Catechins. Catechins are responsible for Green Tea’s amazing health benefits. Green Tea contains 8 times more Catechins than Black tea. Catechins are readily oxidized, and because of the way black tea is processed, there is very little left in it. A cup of Black tea contains 5-10 mg of Catechin, compared to Green Tea which contains 40-90 mg. Catechins stimulate the body’s own brown fat, which is known to burn excess calories, becoming heat. The process of this brown fat burning calories and becoming heat is called thermogenesis. Catechins promote weight loss by increasing the amount of energy your body uses and by making it easier for your body to use excess body fat. The antioxidant benefit of green tea also include these antioxidants protects cells from free radicals, the damage that can lead to blood clot formation, atherosclerosis and cancer. Studies have shown that regular intake of Green Tea can help with fat burning. Ref [1]. [2], [3]
•4. Photo credit JeffersonChow Conclusion Taken without milk or sugar, tea contains no calories, making tea a healthy alternative to most soft drinks and beverages. Avoid green teas in cans which have been sweetened Always make a fresh cup of green tea and drink it unsweetened to enjoy the flavours. Allow to steep for 3-5 minutes to get the most Catechins and flavonoids in your tea. Adding green tea to your daily regimen may aid with fat loss, along with calorie cutting and exercise. Drinking green tea is like letting no stone unturned in your effort to lose weight. Green Tea is cheap and easily available in all grocery stores. So why not add it to your diet to aid fat loss and other health benefits. Drink 3-4 cups of Green tea per day to get the benefits. Ref: [1] - Efficacy of a green tea extract rich in catechin polyphenols and caffeine in increasing 24-h energy expenditure and fat oxidation in humans [2] Ingestion of a tea rich in catechins leads to a reduction in body fat and malondialdehyde-modified LDL in men [3] Green tea catechin consumption enhances exercise-induced abdominal fat loss in overweight and obese adults Source: