USA MLM company look a partners - Delhi

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Item details

City: Delhi


Contact name Veiko Huuse

Item description

Its 21. century network marketing. Please look first This business system help you and your friend earn big money very guickly. This MonaVie is different business. Its totally different system, not traditional business. Its very easy. You must find only 2 active friends and its all. Your job is done. Your friend must find also 2 friends, etc. In Monavie system you build only 2 legs and you control that these 2 legs are on same level, because MonaVie pay the bonus to you from a short leg team 10%. You will get extra bonus from every friend 40USD and extra bonus from every level, etc. If you have there 70 people, then you earn 4000USD per month. If there 1000 people, then you earn more then 40000USD per month. You must only drink ACAI juice and offer this opportunity to other people. ACAI Berry is the strongest natural antioxidant and help your body and you have not problem anymore.