Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate and its Significance - Delhi

Thursday, 7 July, 2022

Item details

City: Delhi
Offer type: Offer
Price: Rs 110,092


Contact name Capricorn CA
Phone 09870191842

Item description

A digital signature is an electronic signature. It is a mathematical technique used to authenticate data exchanged over the Internet, such as emails, digital documents, card transactions, etc. It creates a unique virtual fingerprint that can be said to represent the sender's identity and protect the information in digital documents. You can purchase digital signatures from a licensed certificate authority "Capricorn CA". Class 3 digital signature certificates are used in India for electronic bidding (online bidding) and electronic auctions (online auction). DSC is safer and offers the highest level of security. DSC is issued to individuals or organizations to verify the identity of suppliers when participating in e-procurement activities across India.